Kategoriarkiv: Watercolour

Pet Shop Fight

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

Testing the Waters

With the toxification and acidification of the oceans and streams, the “two waters” — to Breton: the stagnant ponds of finished dogmas and the rejuvenating waters of life — may not be today what they once were. Perhaps that´s why … Läs mer

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Texts, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

The Divided Line

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

Quem Quaeritis

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

The Upland Picabias

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar


Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

The Sculptors

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

“Overlord” – Group Exhibit, Brooklyn, NY

I have two paintings featured in this group show, curated by SRO Gallery and artist Kenny Cole, who also wrote the texts below. http://kennycole.com/narratives/overlord/1 https://www.instagram.com/srogallery/ “Through a Straw”, 2009, Watercolor and ink on paper A collaboration between Kenny Cole and … Läs mer

Publicerat i Exhibitions, Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

The Religion

Publicerat i Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar