

Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar



Publicerat i Ink drawings | 1 kommentar

The Sculptors


Publicerat i Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

The Milliner of Moho


Publicerat i Ink drawings | Lämna en kommentar

”Overlord” – Group Exhibit, Brooklyn, NY


I have two paintings featured in this group show, curated by SRO Gallery and artist Kenny Cole, who also wrote the texts below.

”Through a Straw”, 2009, Watercolor and ink on paper
A collaboration between Kenny Cole and Niklas Nenzén ”Through a Straw” presents a bright and surreal scene suggesting that beer just might be Overlord in this Lilliputian world of duck powered flying machines.


”Green Room Defense” 2013, mixed media, 240 cm x 320 cm
Niklas Nenzen’s “Green Room Defense” is a scene populated by an assortment of creatures and personalities, some literally “stacked” upon one another, others acting out a variety of pantomimes on and around a main figure lying supine on a divan. The stone bust puffing out smoke on the left is our Overlord in this scene, with his pensive sidelong glance. An inventory of the cast of characters and props begins to suggest to us the early days of the silver screen, with the grisaille rendering of the ”people pile” behind the green curtains. Our main figure seems exhausted, collapsed on her divan, hidden behind a mask, while the cacophonous Hollywood premiere tumbles around her.
Publicerat i Exhibitions, Ink drawings, Watercolour | Lämna en kommentar

Toys in the Arctic

arcticThe allocentric perspective.
Publicerat i Collage | 2 kommentarer

The Spirit of the Primordial Embroiderer


“/…/ the significance of the metal pin, and that of the thread that is left behind by the needle are the same: it is that of the ‘thread-spirit’ (sūtrātman) by which the Sun connects all things to himself and fastens them; he is the primordial embroiderer and tailor, by whom the tissue of the universe, of which our garments are an analogy, is woven on a living thread.”
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy – “Primitive Mentality” (Q. J. Mythic Soc., XXXI, 1940)
Publicerat i Collage | Lämna en kommentar

The Long Morning


Publicerat i Collage | Lämna en kommentar

The Barbarians in the Crystal Rope

barbarer barbarer2


Barbarians conversant with similitude, as performed by eerie magicians Emma Lundenmark and Mattias Forshage on the book release party 160206. Many thanks to Emma and Mattias, to Love Jonasson for providing congenial soundscapes (as Radon) and to Christofer Dahlby, Kalle Eklund and Kristoffer Noheden for reading their much appreciated contributions to Barbarer simulerar samspråk. Thanks also to all the friends and friendly strangers that showed up!
The exhibition is closed for a few days and restarts on Thursday 11th.
Larrys corner, Grindsgatan 35, T-bana Skanstull.


Publicerat i Books, Exhibitions | Lämna en kommentar

Bokrelease och vernissage 6/2

Lördag 6/2 13 – 18 firar Styx förlag två nya boksläpp:
John Andersson Sittplats nio i kristallrepet (tecknade serier)
Niklas Nenzén Barbarer simulerar samspråk (tecknade serier, text / bild)
Det blir konstvernissage och gästuppträdanden av Barbarerna i kristallrepet (ord, skum) och Radon (ljud)
Uppträdandena börjar kl 15.30 (OBS Ny tid).
Plats. Larrys corner, Grindsgatan 35, T-bana Skanstull.


Publicerat i Books, Exhibitions | Lämna en kommentar